(Under Construction)

A) Methodological

B) Inference

C) Applications

D) Miscelaneous

A) Methodological

Takahashi, Daniel Y. ; BACCALÁ, L. A. ; SAMESHIMA, Koichi . Information theoretic interpretation of frequency domain connectivity measures. Biological Cybernetics, v. 103, p. 463-469, 2010.

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Takahashi, D.Y.; Baccala, L.A.; Sameshima, K.; , "Frequency domain connectivity: an information theoretic perspective," Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE , vol., no., pp.1726-1729, Aug. 31 2010-Sept. 4 2010

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L. A. Baccalá, D. Y. Takahashi and K. Sameshima, (2007), Generalized Partial Directed Coherence, In: Proc. of the 15th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2007), DSP2007, IEEE, 162-166.

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L. A. Baccala and K. Sameshima, (2006), Comments on 'Is partial coherence a viable technique for identifying generators of neural oscillations?' : Why the term 'Gersch causality' is inappropriate: Common neural structure inference pitfalls, Biological Cybernetics, 95, 2, 135-141.

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L. A. Baccala and K. Sameshima, (2001), Overcoming the limitations of correlation analysis for many simultaneously processed neural structures, Progress in Brain Research, 130, Advances in Neural Population Coding, 33-47,

L. A. Baccalá and K. Sameshima, (2001), Partial directed coherence: a new concept in neural structure determination, Biological Cybernetics, 84, 6, 463-474

L. A. Baccalá, (2001), On the Efficient Computation of Partial Coherence from Multivariate Auto-regressive Models, World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 6, 10-14,

K. Sameshima and L. A. Baccalá, (1999), Using Partial Directed Coherence to describe neuronal ensemble interactions., Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 94, :93-103,

L. Baccalá, K. Sameshima, G. Ballester, A. C. Valle and C. Timo-Iaria, (1998), Studying the Interaction between Brain Structures via Directed Coherence and Granger Causality, Applied Signal Processing., 5, 40-48,

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B) Inference Related

de Brito, C.S.N.; Baccala, L.A.; Takahashi, D.Y.; Sameshima, K.; , "Asymptotic behavior of generalized partial directed coherence," Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE , vol., no., pp.1718-1721, Aug. 31 2010-Sept. 4 2010

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D.Y. TAKAHASHI L.A. BACCALÁ, K. SAMESHIMA Partial Directed Coherence Asymptotics for VAR Processes of Infinite Order International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, 2008, Vol.10, No. 1, 31-36.

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D.Y. TAKAHASHI L.A. BACCALÁ, K. SAMESHIMA (2007) Connectivity Inference between Neural Structures via Partial Directed Coherence. Journal of Applied Statistics, Volume 34, Issue 10 December 2007 , pages 1259 - 1273. DOI:10.1080/02664760701593065.


L. Astolfi, F. Cincotti, D. Mattia, M. G. Marciani, L. A. Baccala, F. D. V. Fallani, S. Salinari, M. Ursino, M. Zavaglia, L. Ding, J. C. Edgar, G. A. Miller, B. He and F. Babiloni, (2007), Comparison of different cortical connectivity estimators for high-resolution EEG recordings, Human Brain Mapping, 28, 2, 143-157,

L. A. Baccalá, D. Y. Takahashi and K. Sameshima, (2006), Computer Intensive Testing for the Influence between Time Series, In "Handbook of Time Series Analysis", 411-433, B. Schelter, M. Winterhalter and J. Timmer (ed), Wiley-VCH


L. Astolfi, F. Cincotti, D. Mattia, M. G. Marciani, L. A. Baccala, F. De Vico Fallani, S. Salinari, M. Ursino, M. Zavaglia and F. Babiloni, (2006), Assessing cortical functional connectivity by partial directed coherence: Simulations and application to real data, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 53, 9, 1802-1812,

L. Astolfi, F. Cincotti, D. Mattia, M. Lai, L. Baccala, F. De Vico Fallani, S. Salinari, M. Ursino, M. Zavaglia and F. Babiloni, (2005), Comparison of different multivariate methods for the estimation of cortical connectivity: Simulations and applications to EEG data, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, 7 VOLS, 4484-4487

L. A. Baccala and K. Sameshima, (2003), Partial Directed Coherence and the Inference of Structural Connectivity among Spiking Neurons, XVIII CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA BIOMÉDICA, 5, 453-457.

L. A. Baccala and K. Sameshima, (2001), Partial Directed Coherence:Some estimation Issues, World Congress on Neuroinformatics, 1, 546-553,

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C) Applications

J. R. Sato, D. Y. Takahashi, S. M. Arcuri, K. Sameshima, P. A. Morettin and L. A. Baccalá, (2009), Frequency Domain Connectivity Identification: An Application of Partial Directed Coherence in fMRI, Human Brain Mapping, 30(2):452-461.



J. Huang, J.-Y. Chang, D. J. Woodward, L. A. Baccala, J.-S. Han, J.-Y. Wang and F. Luo, (2006), Dynamic neuronal responses in cortical and thalamic areas during different phases of formalin test in rats, Experimental Neurology, 200, 1, 124-134,

H. Yang, J. Y. Chang, D. J. Woodward, L. A. Baccala, J. S. Han and F. Luo, 2005,Coding of peripheral electrical stimulation frequency in thalamocortical pathways, <Go to ISI>://000232753000016

L. Baccalá, M. Alvarenga, K. Sameshima, C. Jorge and L. Castro, (2004), Graph theoretical characterization and tracking of the effective neural connectivity during episodes of mesial temporal epileptic seizure, 3, 379-395,


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D) Miscellaneous

  1. Sameshima, K and Baccalá, LA "Trends in multichannel neural ensemble recording instrumentation" In: Methods for Neuronal Ensemble Recordings, Nicolelis, MAL (ed), CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1998, p. 47-60.
  2. Baccalá, LA and Sameshima, K "Directed Coherence: a tool for exploring functional interactions among brain Structures." In: Methods for Neuronal Ensemble Recordings, Nicolelis, MAL (ed), CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1998, p.179- 92.

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