Treinadores + Jogadores       Robonilson na prancheta

The Guaraná team members are:

Anna Reali Costa Profa. Dra. Anna Helena Reali Costa (PCS / EPUSP - Team Leader) Rene Pegoraro Prof. MSc. Renê Pegoraro (DCo-UNESP-Bauru / PhD student at PCS - EPUSP)
Guido Stolfi Prof. Guido Stolfi (PEE / EPUSP) Jaime Sichman Prof. Dr. Jaime Simão Sichman (PCS / EPUSP)

Several researchers and students from both institutions (EPUSP e UNESP_Bauru) were involved in the construction of the GUARANÁ Team. Here we thank all those who helped the team became World Vice-Champion:

Folha de Sao Paulo - 02/06/2004